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Hijri To Gregorian Converter

Select or enter the hijri date to convert it into a Gregorian date.

Hijri to Gregorian converter

Hijri to Gregorian converter assists you to convert the dates from the Hijri calendar to the Gregorian calendar.

What is the Hijri Calendar?

The Hijri calendar is known as the Islamic calendar. It was introduced in 622 CE during the migration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Medina. It depends on the cycles of the moon and its months start with the detection of the new moon.

Features and significance:

The Hijri calendar consists of 12 months of varying lengths, with a total of 354 or 355 days in a year. It lacks leap years like the Gregorian calendar, which can lead to variations when compared to solar-based calendars.

The Hijri calendar holds immense cultural and religious significance for Muslims worldwide it is serving as the foundation for determining Islamic holidays and events.

What is the Gregorian calendar?

The Gregorian calendar is a calendar system introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 as a reform of the Julian calendar. It was adopted to fix inaccuracies in the Julian calendar and specifically the miscalculation of leap years.

Structure and characteristics:

The Gregorian calendar has 12 months and either 365 or 366 days in a year. The leap years occur after every four years and except for years divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400. This refinement ensures that the average length of a year is very close to the solar year’s actual length.

Comparison between the Hijri and Gregorian Calendars

Basis of calculation:

The primary distinction between the two calendars lies in their basis of calculation. The Hijri calendar follows lunar cycles, while the Gregorian calendar is based on the Earth’s rotation around the sun. This difference influences the way months and days are structured.

Months and days:

The months in the Hijri calendar have either 29 or 30 days depending on the moon’s cycle. The Hijri year is shorter than the Gregorian year and leading to the Hijri calendar being around 10 to 12 days shorter each solar year.

Leap years:

The Hijri calendar does not have a regular system of leap years like the Gregorian calendar. This means that the lunar months slowly shift through the solar year over time.

Conversion between the Hijri and Gregorian Calendars

Converting dates between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars can be challenging due to their fundamentally different structures.

Mathematical Formulas:

Several mathematical formulas have been devised to convert dates between the two calendars, but accuracy can be an issue due to the varying lengths of months in the Hijri calendar.

Julian Day Number (JDN) Method:

The Julian Day Number method is commonly employed for converting dates between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars. It requires three key parameters:

  • Hijri Year (Hy): The year in the Hijri calendar that needs to be converted.
  • Hijri Month (Hm): The month in the Hijri calendar that needs to be converted.
  • Hijri Day (Hd): The day in the Hijri calendar that needs to be converted.

The formula to calculate the Julian Day Number (JDN) for the given Hijri date is as follows:

JDN = (Hd - 1) + 29 * (Hm - 1) + 354 * (Hy - 1) + floor (3 + (11 * Hy) / 30)

Once the JDN for the Hijri date is obtained, you can use it to find the Gregorian date through an inverse calculation.

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